
FAQ: Why should I travel with Scooterbella? 

I will let others reply to this question. This is what people have said (taken from reveiws)
"It was the best holiday you could have in Tuscany. Food, wine and Vespas . The guides went to great lengths to make our time memorable."
"We did a two week trip to Italy, the first week on our own, the second week with ScooterBella. The scooter tour was hands down the BEST part of our trip. The hotels they had us at were beautiful and comfortable, in gorgeous little towns. The daily agenda was a nice balance of activity, sight seeing, riding, food and down time. The guides really made the experience special by giving advice on menus, wines and the cool local features. They were very attentive to the groups wants and needs and constantly asked for feedback and what we preferred to do."
"It was one of the most amazing trips we've ever taken!"
"Any preliminary anxiety was quickly dispelled by the outstanding professionalism of the whole experience. Our safety and enjoyment was paramount to Scooterbella and consequently we had one of the best adventures of our lives."

FAQ: What support backup do you have in place if things go awry while on tour?  Such as accidents or major events etc??

All of our guides are fully bilingual, (and in some cases trilingual) in whatever region they are guiding therefore they are capable of contacting whatever emergency services are required in case of need. All of our guides have first aid training and carry first aid kits with them. Previously we have had to cope with medical emergencies and we have always managed to do just that, cope with the situation and ensure that the afflicted client is looked after as best as possible. Furthermore, since we have an office in Italy we can always follow up and help the client deal with insurance issues (which is why we request every clients insurance policy number and contact details, as well as a person back home to contact in case of emergency), or rebooking of plane tickets, etc. Etc. Needless to say having professional, bilingual guides looking after you can be of great benefit.

FAQ:  I have specific details regarding the tour, who can I speak to, or correspond with directly that has an in-depth knowledge of that tour and the area you’re going to?

Your initial tour enquiry goes directly to our owner/manager Brett Naisby, who is available to answer any and all questions. Each tour has a tour manager and that person (either Brett, Claire, Manu, or Melissa) is also available via email or by skype or telephone to reply to your questions. All of our Trip Managers also guide the tours that they manage so they have first-hand knowledge of the day to day operation of the tour. If you have special requests, or just a million questions then they are there to assist you.

FAQ: Can you tell me a bit about the guide for this trip?  Who are they, where are they from, what is there experience?

First of all, all of our guides absulutely love their work. Many have multiple degrees and our ranks include former university professors, business consultants, successful artists (mosaicists, painters, and ceramicists), actors, translators and interpreters, authors, bike racers, and a master sommelier. They all live in Europe, and many are native to the area where they guide. The guides are there to look after you, entertain you, inform you and generally enrich your travel experience.  Upon making your booking enquiry, you will correspond with your Trip Manager and guide and will be able to see their picture and read their bio on our "About us" page.

FAQ: What kind of scooters do you use on your tours?

Tuscany Vespa Getaway: Piaggio VESPA 125cc LX model. This is the classic Vespa.
Puglia Vespa Tour: Piaggio VESPA 125cc LX model. This is the classic Vespa. Also available are Honda SH 125cc or similar. These scooters have larger diameter front wheels than the classic Vespa, which gives added stability.

Andalusia Spain Scooter Tour: Scooters 125cc, such as Yamaha Xenter 125cc, Piaggio Liberty 125cc, Honda PCX 125cc or similar.

Provence Scooter tour and Croatia Scooter tour: In these countries the law allows people without a motorbike license to driver up to 50cc scooters so we use 50cc scooters of various makes and models. They are smaller, and weigh less than the 125cc scooters. If you have a motorbike license we can provide you with a larger, 125cc scooters for you for a small supplement. 

All the scooters have electronic ignition and automatic gear boxes. Brakes are on the handlebars, like on a bicycle.

FAQ: How fast do the scooters go?

In Italy and Spain we use 125 cc scooters which can go as fast as 100kmh, however, we never, ever go that fast. We respect the speed limits and therefore our maximum speed is 60kmh, and more usually 50kmh. We often ride slower than that because we are frequently on windy roads. You should be able to safely drive the scooter at the speed limit. If you drive too slowly you become an obstacle in the road to other vehicles. In France and Croatia we use 50cc scooters, which have a maximum speed of 60kmh.

FAQ: Do I need an International Driver's license?

It depends on the tour and the rental company. We will advise you. You do need to hold a valid driver’s license from your home country.

FAQ: Do I need a motorcycle license?

No, you don’t need a motorcycle license, just a valid car driver’s license from your home country. You must be at least 18 years of age and have had a driver’s license for at least two years.

FAQ: I have a motor bike licence. Is it possible to get a larger scooter?

Anyone who has a motorbike license can ride a larger scooter on any of our tours, but there is a supplement to pay. In Italy and Spain we use 125cc scooters, which are powerful enough for two people, whereas in Provence and Croatia the law limits us to using 50cc scooters for people without a motorbike driver’s license. In Italy and Spain, the upgrade is to a 250cc scooter. In Provence and Croatia the upgrade is usually to a 125cc Suzuki Bergman which is a surprisingly powerful scooter, and a comfortable ride, however, we can get 250cc scooters also in Provence and Croatia.

FAQ: I have never ridden a scooter. Should I book this tour anyway?

NO! Absolutely not. Before you book this tour you must already be a competent scooter driver. You will be driving a motor vehicle on public roads. You are responsible for your safety but also for the safety of other motorists, bikers and pedestrians. You must be able to control the scooter and drive it competently.

FAQ: Can I book this tour and ride as a passenger behind the guide?

No. We have a policy whereby we do not accept a booking to ride with a guide. It is just a legal nightmare waiting to happen if something goes awry. Of course, if you have booked to ride your own scooter and an ad hoc situation occurs and it is absolutely necessary that someone rides with someone else (ie, if scooter won’t start, or something like that) for the day then the guide will step into the breach, but as a general rule we do not offer the possibility to ride with the guide as a passenger.

What happens if I sign up and get to the start of the tour and realize that I can't safely ride the scooter?

We will make alternative arrangements for you. Those arrangements could be to move you by taxi to our various rendez-vous points during the day, or to hire a car which you would drive yourself. These solutions would be at your expense.  

FAQ: Can two people ride on a scooter?

Yes, two people can easily ride a 125 cc scooter (Vespa LX 125 scooter on our Tuscany Vespa tour, SYM 125cc scooter in Puglia). On our scooter tours outside of Italy, we are obliged to use 50cc scooters and they are not powerful enough to easily accommodate two people. Anyone can be a passenger, including children (the Italian Law doesn’t specify a minimum age for child passengers). Pillion passengers receive €100 discount.

FAQ: Is there a discount for pillion passengers?

Yes, if you decide to sit behind the driver and do not take a scooter for yourself, you get a €100 discount.

FAQ: What kind of insurance is included in the rental?

Included in the rental price is third party liability and third party property damage insurance as required by European law. However, you are not covered for damage that you may cause to the scooter. It is impossible to get insurance to cover damage to a motor scooter. 

FAQ: How large are your scooter groups?

Our scooter tours are usually between 4 and 8 participants, but we do tours for as few as 2 participants, and the largest group we have done to date is for 22 riders.

FAQ: How small are your groups? What is your minimum group size?

We will guarantee a departure for only two people, but a small-group fee may apply. Please see our Guaranteed Departure Policy. for more information. Happily for us, we don't have too many tours that run with just two people. We usually manage to get at least 6 participants on tours.

FAQ: How many guides accompany a tour?

We have at least one guide accompanying tours with up to 6 scooters on the road. Once there are more than 6 scooters on the road, we add another guide. 

FAQ: How many people do you need for a private trip? 

We can do a private trip for one person, if that is what you want to do, but of course it will be more expensive.

FAQ: What do you do if it rains?

If it is raining, we prefer not to ride because A) it is dangerous, and B) it is generally uncomfortable. The ride may simply be postponed, or it may be amended/shortened, or cancelled altogether. Sometimes the guide may decide the night before to have an early departure the next day so as to avoid pending rain. Sometimes we get caught on the road by a storm, in which case the guide makes a decision based on the weather and the timing and the ability of the group. The guides will also consult the tour participants. Safety is always our first concern. 

FAQ: Where do your clients come from? 

Australia, New Zealand, U.S.A., Canada, South Africans, and the U.K.

FAQ: What is the age range of people on the trips?

On average, ages range from early 30’s to mid 60’s with the majority in the 45 to 60 bracket.

FAQ: Do you charge a single supplement?

Yes, we do, but it is relatively modest since we only charge the extra fees that are passed on to us by the hotels. We do not penalize single travelers with our own fees, and as a result our single supplements are lower than with most tour companies.

FAQ: What are your clients like?

Many of our trip participants have traveled extensively, while others may be on their first overseas trip. Many participants are expert motorbike riders, while some others are less experienced. As you have no doubt noticed on our website we strongly discourage novice riders to do a scooter tour. 

FAQ: How does a typical day work?

We design each day to have a balanced content of activity, cultural content, cappuccino and lunch time, short breaks, and then free time at the end of the day, and then dinner. So a typical day starts with breakfast at about 8 a.m, depart at about 9 a.m, ride for about an hour, have a break, resume, arrive in a village for a snack, another hour of riding, then lunch, then ride a little more, then perhaps a cultural visit/special event, then arrive back at the hotel around 4:00 p.m. You have some free time, then we get together at about 7:00 for an aperitivo followed by dinner. The guides will then brief you on the next day’s activities.

FAQ: How far do you ride in a day?

Distances range from 80 to 120 kms a day.

FAQ: How long have you been doing tours?

Brett guided his first tour, a cycling tour in Alsace, in June 1990 for a company called Butterfield & Robinson. He established his own walking and biking company in 1996 called Customwalks. We started running our ScooterBella Vespa Tours in Tuscany in 2006 and tours in Puglia, Provence, Croatia and Spain have been added over the years.

FAQ: Where is the company based?

Scooterbella is a division of Speranza Travel Ltd, of Christchurch, New Zealand. Speranza Travel Ltd is also the sole owner of Customwalks Italia SRL, which is a limited liability company based in Castellina in Chianti, Tuscany, Italy. Customwalks Italia SRL is a subsiduary of Speranza Travel Ltd and it looks after the administration and operations of our Italy-based walking, biking, and scooter tours.

FAQ: What about travel and health insurance?

We highly recommend that you purchase Trip Cancellation Insurance and supplemental Travel Medical Insurance. Should you have to cancel your trip because of illness, injury or death to you or a family member, trip-cancellation insurance protects most of your deposits and payment for both air and land cost. Should you be injured during the course of your travels abroad supplemental Travel Medical Insurance will give you peace of mind and the financial wherewithal to cover the costs of medical treatment abroad and repatriation.

North American Residents: Travel Guard is a long standing Travel Insurance Company. Click on the logo below to be taken to the Travel Guard website.

U.K. Residents: Contact your insurance broker. Otherwise, here are some companies you may wish to contact:

N.Z. & Australian residents: 

For New Zealand residents we suggest that you look at the following companies or contact your insurance broker or travel agent.

Southern Cross Travel Insurance

For Australian clients we suggest:

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